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Why I Choose to Volunteer

Published: Oct 17, 2024 @ 12:00 PM

We are so pleased to welcome Ali Alzahrani as our guest writer this week. You can read more of his work on his page. 

Volunteering is the power that may bring the social change we all crave. 

In an era characterized by growing individualism and digital isolation, I prefer to give my time and energy free of charge. This is a courageous human gesture and a great way to connect. I am not doing this only for leisure or to pass my idle time; instead, it is my strong protest against the wave of selfishness that puts our unity in jeopardy. As Winston Churchill wisely noted, "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give". This idea is a good example of the reason why volunteering happens to be the main blueprint of my life. 

The process or the desire to volunteer was a result of witnessing the growing consumer culture in our society. I have seen that we can often be disconnected from others, both in childhood and adulthood, since we feel separated in our daily digital interfaces. This not only impacts the tangible community needs but also builds tines of isolation and sorrow. One of the remedies against this is the volunteerism idea, as it provides us the possibility of reconnecting not only with our shared human nature but also with the local communities we live in. This was a great opportunity, a huge spark for me that I could not resist, so simply I’m jumping in. Joyce Bertram (2015) said in her TEDxVilnius "If you come across something that sparks something in you, that sparks a passion that fills you with excitement, that you feel should happen, don't wait for others to take the initiative. Step up and do it." 

I agree completely with Joyce Bertram (2015) when she correctly claimed that volunteering is a good place to call home for skill and character development. She said "Every single individual, regardless of their backgrounds, has valuable information that is worth sharing." This democratic view of knowledge and skills is what makes volunteering unique. From my volunteer work, I have discovered a number of talents I never thought I was capable of having and have also been taught valuable lessons by others in ways that I could never have experienced in my professional or personal life. 

The concept of volunteerism really is a prominent part of the idea of altruism, but at the same time, it is not just selflessness. The concept of volunteering is about the reciprocal relation of giving and getting that nurtures both the volunteer and the community. According to research by social scientists, volunteers usually report better mental health, increased life satisfaction, and stronger social relationships (Wilson, 2000). The mutual benefit of volunteering lies in its promotion of a more compassionate and interconnected society. 

Moreover, volunteering is one of the mighty methods that can bring about social change. I mean real change. People will join organizations because they want to do something a little bit better than themselves. This willingness to be a part of a project that is bigger than oneself is the chief engine of a huge number of volunteer activities. Instead of being content with surviving the world's massive waves, by volunteering, I attach myself to the efforts of remarkable human beings who are not mere spectators but really are active participants in the movement to solve these issues once and for all from the grassroots level on up. 

The influence of voluntary work goes far beyond the immediate gains individuals and organizations experience from it. Volunteering plays a significant role in developing social capital and building the social fabric. In the United States alone, the economic evaluation of volunteer time is around $33.48 per hour (Independent Sector, 2021), which translates to billions of dollars in support for causes and organizations that would have otherwise gone unfulfilled. However, the true essence of volunteering cannot be determined monetarily; it is found in the skills that it instills in people, like compassion, the ability to understand, and excellent social connection. 

But when I Look towards the future, I see the landscape of volunteering most likely to evolve with technological advancements. There are going to be a Virtual or remote volunteering opportunities for those interested to be part of the volunteering community from the ease of their home or offices. These ways may become more known and used in the future, but the fundamental human need to connect with no doubt will remain fixed, because this this what it means to be a human.  

When I choose to volunteer, I made a conscious decision to be part of the treatment (hopefully) to the challenges facing the whole world, I mean not me as a person, but me as an individual, as one part of our world population. It is a rejection of the notion that individual success and comfort are the ultimate goals of life. Instead, it is an embrace of the idea that real fulfillment comes from being one part of the well-being of others and building towards a more just and equitable society. 

Volunteering stands as the hope, when we face global challenges that require a collective action. Volunteering is a testament to the potential power of our human compassion and solidarity. It works as a reminder that we are all connected and that each action from each one of us can have far-reaching results, and long-lasting outputs. The anthropologist Margaret Mead, once said "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. (r)" - Margaret Mead. Used with permission. (Institute for Intercultural Studies, 2009). 

In conclusion, I chose to volunteer because it offers a great opportunity to create a difference, meaningful one. This difference is not going to impact the world or only the community, instead it is going to simultaneously enrich my own life and the lives of those around me. It is our powerful tool we peacefully may use to combat the ugly individualism in the society and instill the values of connected humanity, empathetic society, and a very socially responsible community.  


Bertram, J. (2015). How volunteerism can change your world. TEDx Talks. [Link] 

Independent Sector. (2021). Value of Volunteer Time. [Link] 

Institute for Intercultural Studies. (2009). Margaret Mead quotes. [Link] 

Wilson, J. (2000). Volunteering. Annual Review of Sociology, 26(1), 215-240. [Link] 


From Campfires to the Classroom; My Journey from Leader to Teacher

Published: Aug 28, 2024 @ 6:00 PM

This week we welcome guest blog writer Ashley. Ashley lived and worked in Calgary for more than 25 years, but now resides in B.C. She volunteered with the 39th Rangers in Calgary for three years. Ashley loves all things outdoors and adventure, is meticulously organized with a safety mindset, so Girl Guides was a natural fit. She loves to travel, write anything and everything and truly believe in the power of volunteering and education to better the world. Ashley currently work as a substitute teacher, tutor and freelance communications specialist in Vernon. She firmly believes her dog, while a menace, is also the cutest dog ever.

When I first began volunteering with Girl Guides, it was a way to fill my free time and give back to the community. Little did I know, it was the beginning of a transformative journey. 

I had just left my corporate office job and was searching for a career path with more meaning when a friend had suggested joining her in leading a Ranger unit (girls aged 15-17) in need of Guiders. I had no idea how much saying yes would change the trajectory of my life. Through volunteering with Girl Guides, I rediscovered my passion for mentoring and teaching, which led me to pursue a career in education. 

I was a little intimidated to be joining an organization I had not been a part of growing up - I worried that I didn’t know as much as the girls I’d be leading, as most of them had been in Guides since they were young. I couldn’t have been more wrong! They were so welcoming and I was amazed by the enthusiasm, openness and supportiveness they brought to every meeting. Guiding them through their planning, helping them develop new skills and watching their confidence grow reignited a spark in me. It was in these moments that I realized how much I had to offer and how deeply I enjoyed inspiring young minds and witnessing the girls become empowered. 

Encouraged by my experience with the Rangers, I took the leap and went back to school (well into my late 30s) to earn my Bachelor of Education. It was a busy and rewarding two years of intense learning, and I remained a volunteer guide leader throughout. My ongoing involvement with the Rangers was so beneficial to my classroom learning - they taught me so much about inclusiveness, equity and capability, and patiently bore with me as I tried new teaching tools and techniques with them. 

After graduating, I began working full-time as a substitute teacher and had to take a step back from guiding as I navigated a new and challenging career. Looking back, I am so grateful to the friend that extended her hand and the people that guided me along this path. Volunteering with the Girl Guides was the catalyst that ignited a passion for teaching. Each day brings new challenges and rewards. When it gets tough, I take a deep breath and remember what volunteering with the Rangers taught me - be positive, supportive and inclusive and your students can surprise and amaze you.


How Volunteerism Teaches Us Community Service

Published: Aug 14, 2024 @ 12:00 PM

This week we are pleased to welcome Guest Blog Writer Dakshita Saraswat. 

Recently, I had the opportunity to volunteer with the Calgary Immigrant Women's Association (CIWA), a dedicated organization that supports immigrant women and their families. My role involved working at their summer camp for children, an experience that resonated deeply with me and brought back memories of my own immigration journey. 

From a young age, my family moved frequently due to my father's work. Each move meant starting over in a new country, with new schools, new friends, and a new culture to navigate. These frequent relocations were challenging, and I often felt a profound sense of loneliness. I vividly recall many days when I would retreat to the bathroom at school to cry, overwhelmed by the difficulty of adjusting to a new environment and the struggle to communicate in a different language. 

As I volunteered at the summer camp, I encountered children who had recently arrived from Ukraine. Their experiences mirrored my own in many ways. These young immigrants faced numerous barriers, the most significant being the language barrier. Many of them could not speak English fluently, which made it difficult for them to interact with their peers and fully participate in camp activities. Watching them struggle with this reminded me of my own feelings of isolation and frustration. 

When I first tried to engage with the children, they were understandably shy and nervous. It was clear that they were still adapting to their new surroundings and the challenges that came with it. However, as I spent more time with them, I began to see their resilience and adaptability. Despite their initial hesitation, they gradually opened up and started to share their thoughts and feelings. 

One of the most enlightening moments came when I asked the children how they were adjusting to life in Canada. To my surprise, their responses were overwhelmingly positive. They spoke about how welcoming Canada had been to them and their families. Many of them mentioned that they liked Canada even more than their home country, a sentiment I found both surprising and heartwarming. They appreciated the safety, the kindness of the people, and the opportunities they had here. 

This experience was incredibly eye-opening for me. It highlighted the importance of creating supportive and inclusive environments for immigrant children. These children, despite facing significant challenges, demonstrated remarkable strength and optimism. Their positive outlook on life in Canada showed me that with the right support, immigrant children can thrive and find happiness in their new homes. 

Volunteering at the CIWA summer camp also reinforced the value of empathy and understanding. As someone who has gone through the immigrant experience, I was able to connect with these children on a deeper level. I understood their fears, their frustrations, and their hopes. This connection allowed me to provide the support and encouragement they needed. 

Moreover, this experience reminded me of the importance of community. The children felt welcomed and accepted in Canada largely because of the support they received from organizations like CIWA and the broader community. It underscored the crucial role that community support plays in helping immigrants integrate and feel at home in a new country. 

In conclusion, my time volunteering with CIWA was not just about giving back; it was a journey of reflection and learning. It reminded me of my own struggles and triumphs as an immigrant and allowed me to witness firsthand the resilience and adaptability of immigrant children. This experience has inspired me to continue advocating for and supporting immigrant communities, ensuring that they have the resources and support they need to succeed and thrive in their new environments. 


Embracing Volunteering as a Newcomer in Canada

Published: Jul 24, 2024 @ 12:00 PM

This week we welcome guest blogger Nirali Bhati.Nirali Bhate is a financial professional with a decade of corporate experience and a blend of marketing skills. Recently, Nirali moved to Canada for a better life and is passionate about writing and sharing her insights. She runs a quotes page on Instagram and loves nature, art, and music. After living in Calgary, she now calls beautiful British Columbia home. As the wife of a seafarer, she treasures family time as one of the most important things in life. 

Embracing Volunteering as a Newcomer in Canada 

Moving to a new country is both exciting and challenging. When I, Nirali, came to Canada, I was eager to immerse myself in this new world. Canada was so different from my home country, but one thing helped me settle in quickly: Volunteering. 

Starting Out 
As an immigrant, the transition to Canada was a mix of emotions. Everything was new, from the landscapes to the weather. Despite these changes, the warmth of the Canadian community stood out to me. One of the best decisions I made was to start volunteering at my child's school. I began helping with school events, and it was a wonderful way to meet other parents and teachers. Whether it was going on field trips or assisting in the classroom, each activity helped me feel more connected. 

Building Community 
Volunteering helped me understand the importance Canadians place on community service. This was different from my previous experiences and gave me a deeper appreciation for the culture here. It wasn't just about giving back; it was about becoming part of the community. 

Personal and Professional Growth 
Volunteering also benefited my professional life. This made my transition into the Canadian job market smoother. 

Making Connections 
One of the most rewarding parts of volunteering has been the relationships I've built. As the wife of a merchant navy officer, family time is precious and sometimes limited. Volunteering helped me create a support network and form friendships that have been invaluable during my husband's time away. This sense of community has made Canada feel like home. 

Encouraging Others 
I encourage other newcomers to volunteer. It helps you understand and integrate into the local culture, and it opens up opportunities for personal and professional growth. Whether at schools, local charities, or community events, each volunteering opportunity is a chance to learn, grow, and contribute. 

A Journey of Discovery 
My journey from a bustling financial career in my home country to volunteering in the schools and communities of beautiful British Columbia has been one of discovery. Embracing the values of service and community has not only helped me integrate into Canadian society but has also enriched my family's life in countless ways. 

Last but not the least .....! I also discovered, an incredible resource that helps people find volunteering opportunities. Through this platform, I found a unique opportunity to write letters to pen pals. This was perfect for me because I could do it from the comfort of my home and it involved my passion for writing. Writing these letters not only allowed me to connect with others but also gave me a sense of fulfillment and purpose. 

Volunteering has been a cornerstone in my journey as an immigrant, and I encourage everyone, whether new to the country or a lifelong resident, to explore the opportunities it offers. It's a pathway to making meaningful connections and truly experiencing the heart of Canada. 


Why Wouldn't You Want to Give Back?

Published: Jul 10, 2024 @ 12:00 PM

This week we welcome guest blog writer Aaqib Rahim. Aaqib was born and raised in Lahore, Pakistan and has called the vibrant country of Canada home since 2013. Back in March 2020,

I applied through the VolunteerConnector website to volunteer with the Tetra Society of North America. Following this, I was then approached by Annae Jones, the Chapter Coordinator at that time. Even though, my stance initially was never to land a volunteering position at a non-profit specifically having seen Annae’s enthusiasm, kind, and welcoming gesture, despite being physically handicapped I felt almost obliged to accept her proposal. Simply put, having witnessed this, my perception regarding what it is like to volunteer at a non-profit changed significantly. I now hold the opinion that we must try our best to benefit our local and regional communities as much as possible to then ensure that both the environment as well as the nature are adequately preserved and taken care of. What incentivised me the most however was the fact that I would be helping in making a notable contribution upon the lives of the vulnerable individuals. These past four and a half years have helped me grow in confidence substantially. Tetra Society of North America provides valuable incentives for their volunteers. In that, all their volunteers are given out a small token of appreciation such as gift cards. Now thanks to this immeasurable experience I could apply elsewhere as well if I really wanted to. All that is required of me in this position at Tetra as an outreach volunteer is to promote the organization efficiently and effectively. That said, this then enables Tetra Society of North America in effectively attracting potential volunteers. In addition to which, provided the awareness methods are efficient Tetra is also able to help expand its reach across the various other Chapters (cities). Throughout my time here with Tetra Society of North America I have always felt welcomed and appreciated. That said, I consider myself extremely fortunate to have been gifted the opportunity of giving back to the community. In my opinion, it is the little acts of generosity such as these that make up a significant difference, consequently bettering our livelihoods. So, let me ask you this: why wouldn’t you want to give back to your local community?


Celebrating Community Spirit and Strengthening Ties in Coquitlam

Published: Jun 26, 2024 @ 12:00 PM

This week we welcome as a guest blog our wonderful colleague from the coast- Danielle George. Danielle is originally from Kansas, USA, she has fostered over 20 cats, dogs (see this guy with a fancy bowtie) and rabbits in the past 4 years! She is a roller derby aficionado and believes strongly that food is love. Danielle is a brilliant community leader at Volunteer Connections in Coquitlam, BC. 

Celebrating Community Spirit: The Community Connections & Volunteer Fair-On June 9th, the Port Coquitlam Community Centre buzzed with excitement as it hosted the Community Connections & Volunteer Fair. This vibrant event, a collaboration between Community Volunteer Connections and The City of Port Coquitlam, brought together community members from all walks of life to explore a myriad of opportunities to get involved locally.

A Day of Discovery and Connection-The free-to-attend fair was a resounding success, drawing in over 250 attendees eager to learn about how they could contribute to and benefit from their community. The heart of the fair was the diverse array of 28 organizations, each one dedicated to various causes and activities. These organizations provided information on local clubs, societies, summer programs, and the volunteer needs of area non-profits. Attendees had the chance to engage with representatives, ask questions, and find opportunities that matched their interests and availability.

Workshops: Learning and Creating Together- In addition to the booths, the event featured three workshops led by local organizations. These sessions covered a range of important topics impacting the community, like the pressing issue of the toxic drug crisis, and where to get resources for help. Another workshop offered a creative outlet with a hands-on activity to build hearts out of woven willow branches, bringing participants together through shared artistic expression.

A Hub for All-The Community Connections & Volunteer Fair was designed to serve as a vital link for various groups within the community. Seniors and retirees found new ways to stay active and involved, newcomers discovered avenues to integrate and contribute, students explored volunteer opportunities to complement their studies, and families enjoyed a day out learning and connecting together.

Strengthening Community Ties-Events like the Community Connections & Volunteer Fair are essential for building and maintaining strong community bonds. They provide platforms for individuals to find their place within the community, support local organizations, and work together towards common goals. The fair was not just about volunteering; it was about creating a sense of belonging and mutual support. The success of the event is a testament to the dedication of Community Volunteer Connections and The City of Port Coquitlam, as well as the participating organizations and enthusiastic attendees. Their collective efforts have fostered a more connected, informed, and engaged community. As the day came to a close, there was a palpable sense of accomplishment and optimism. The Community Connections & Volunteer Fair had not only highlighted the many ways to get involved locally but also reinforced the idea that a connected community is a thriving community. Here’s to more events like this, bringing people together and making a positive impact in the Tri-Cities areas.


Hockey Culture and Sexual Abuse

Published: May 20, 2024 @ 11:04 AM

What is happening, and what can we do about it?

Every Canadian grows up surrounded by hockey. It’s a pillar of culture and pride in our nation. As a country that boasts some of the longest and coldest winters on the planet, the sport is a bright spot nationally and globally. Frozen ponds and community rinks are home to rites of passage like lacing up for the first time, pushing a chair across the ice, and the inevitable bumps and bruises that follow. 

But what happens when the pride of our beloved pastime is marred by a culture that perpetuates sexual assault and protects the abusers? The problem lies in multiple areas: a legal system that doesn’t support victims—especially women, a locker room culture that ignores unhealthy behaviors and hazing, and inept leadership at the highest levels of Hockey Canada. It seems we can't go a few months without hearing of a new case, and these terrible accounts of assault are beginning to overshadow any gold medal or championship. All eyes will be on the reopened 2018 sexual assault case involving five Canadian hockey players as London Police have committed to justice and reform.

It can be easy to feel helpless when you see continued injustice committed against women and young players. Part of the solution is to help lobby for change. Take the initiative to raise awareness and inform your local and national representatives that this issue matters. You can act by providing support for organizations that are helping those affected by sexual abuse. We must not wait on the sidelines for change but advocate for those affected by sexual abuse, work to prevent it, and reassess the systems perpetuating it. Several organizations in Calgary are striving to support victims of sexual abuse and provide education and awareness. You can volunteer or donate to these organizations to help make a difference.

Calgary Communities Against Sexual Abuse, or CCASA, aims to educate and provide support for individuals affected by sexual harassment and abuse. They have been working in the space for 25 years and are always looking for volunteers to help spread awareness of their work. They also provide extensive training for volunteers on their support and information line.

Salal Sexual Violence Support Center has a 24-hour crisis and support line; they provide services to walk alongside those affected by sexual abuse, including counseling and court accompaniment. You can volunteer at fundraisers, at the crisis line, and with operations around the office.

CoSA Canada is actively advocating for legislative reform and working to provide research-based restorative justice programs. Their research shows that the chances of a second offense can be reduced by up to 80% with proper systems in place. Not only are they actively seeking volunteers, but they are also providing training for those who want to help in this space.

Little Warriors provides a safe space for children and youth who have been affected by sexual abuse. They focus on raising awareness through education, workshops, and research, as well as programs and treatment facilities to support those directly affected by trauma. They always look for donations to keep their programs running and volunteers to help run workshops and provide education.

All these organizations share the need to champion awareness and education. We must hold bodies like Hockey Canada, our lawmakers, and the police force accountable., It is equally imperative that we educate ourselves, our communities, and our children. If you or someone you know has been affected by sexual abuse, all these organizations listed have someone you can reach out to for help. You can call 911 for emergencies or the non-emergency line (in Calgary) at 403-266-1234 to report sexual abuse.


It All Began With a Cat!

Published: May 15, 2024 @ 12:00 PM

This week we welcome Gomathi Sridevi. Gomathi is an aspiring writer with a background in Journalism and a degree in Sociology. Her fascination with societal issues and a desire to articulate thoughts led her to pursue writing. Nurtured by a childhood habit of avidly reading newspapers, she found herself drawn to the world of storytelling. She is commited to exploring the depths of human experience and advocating for social justice as she continues to wield the power of words to inspire, inform, and empower others. 

The lingering fear from a childhood incident, a traumatic encounter with a dog while learning to ride a bicycle, had deeply influenced my relationship with animals. But, one unexpected event shook me out of my usual avoidance.  I was drawn in by a kitten's pitiful cries and decided to look into it. What awaited me was a heart-wrenching sight: a mother and father cat, visibly distressed, desperately attempting to reach their trapped kitten inside a water pipe. Despite my fear, I couldn't stand idly by while these animals suffered. The layout of our two-story house posed challenges in pinpointing the kitten's exact location within the water pipe. Driven by a sense of urgency, I attempted to dislodge the kitten by directing a stream of water into the pipe. However, my parents intervened, wisely cautioning against potential harm. My heart clenched as I listened to the kitten's plaintive cries echoing from within the pipe. I could feel its fear and isolation in the darkness, contrasting sharply with the comforting sounds of its parents' mewls outside, seeking to offer solace. With a professional plumber's assistance, we carefully dismantled the pipe, revealing the frightened kitten trapped in a corner. At that moment, as I reached out to comfort the trembling creature, something within me shifted. Despite my lifelong fear of animals, I felt an unexpected surge of connection. 

As I extended my index finger through the hole, my heart clenched at the sight of the trembling kitten, feeling its tiny paws grasp onto my finger tightly for comfort. I gently lifted it out and tenderly dried it with a cloth before reuniting it with its parents. A surge of emotion overwhelmed me when I caught the gaze of the larger cat as if it were expressing gratitude before turning away with its kitten. Whether it was my imagination or not, I sensed a silent acknowledgement in those expressive eyes.

The satisfaction I derived from aiding this tiny being ignited a desire within me to extend my assistance to others in need. It wasn't merely about helping animals find their way back home; it was about offering solace and support to any living being that had lost its path. With a heart now open to the possibility of making a difference, I embarked on a journey of compassion, seeking out opportunities to lend a helping hand wherever it was needed. Whether it was comforting a frightened animal, offering aid to a struggling neighbour, or championing causes dear to my heart, I found fulfilment in acts of kindness, both big and small. In the simple act of rescuing a kitten, I discovered a profound truth: that the greatest reward lies not in receiving, but in giving. As I continued on this path of compassion, my heart beat with a newfound sense of purpose, guiding me toward a life filled with empathy, understanding, and boundless love for all living beings.


Creativity for a Cause

Published: Apr 3, 2024 @ 12:00 PM

This week we welcome guest writer Pallavi Paul. Pallavi moved to Vancouver to complete an MBA and now calls it home. She has an intense interest in digital marketing and creating content. When not pursuing that interest, she can be found hiking, swimming, dancing and exploring the outdoors. 

I've always wanted to help those who require direction and inspiration to live their lives and see the bright side of any situation. In my previous role as a volunteer in social media marketing at Low Entropy, I had the chance to use my creative side to enhance online platforms while also bringing attention to mental health issues. I was a student at that time when I joined Low entropy so my focus was more on studies and working in a volunteering organization where I would learn to hone my marketing skills in social media platforms.

As this was my first-time volunteering, I realized how crucial it is to address certain issues in a community and work on it for a greater purpose.

 A few points I would like to highlight in my volunteer journey, even though it was a short one, I cherished the learnings I have acquired from it.

1.      Confidence: I gained a lot of confidence in working independently. It’s an essential skill that will help me in a work environment as I don’t have to rely on someone to give me the instructions. It takes time to develop confidence and volunteering is a great place to start with.

2.      Time management: I was always attentive to my time management skill and juggling between studies, part time work and volunteering helped me to stay focused. My ability to be organized and productive at work also helped.

3.      Attentive to audience needs: The best part that happened to me is I became more aware of the audience while writing content or posting in social media. It’s a great way to showcase my creativity and think from people’s perspective instead of focusing on myself. 


Evaluating Goals: Setting up your 2024 for Success Pt 2

Published: Feb 28, 2024 @ 1:42 PM

Part 2: Accomplishing Goals in Volunteering

Welcome back! Hopefully, you have read the first article and identified your goals for volunteering in 2024 that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-based (S.M.A.R.T). Setting goals is great, but it is only the first step. The second and perhaps the most daunting step is figuring out how to achieve them. It can be hard to know what steps to take or how to develop good habits around achieving goals. I don’t consider myself an expert, but I will gladly share what I have learned to help you along your journey.

Be Thorough

If the S.M.A.R.T. acronym illuminates anything, it’s that goals take work. Life is busy for everyone, and adding in an extra thing, such as volunteering, can be challenging. When setting goals, be as thorough as possible. Think about what you want, investigate what it will take to accomplish them, and then map it out. Here are three things to remember when mapping out a plan for volunteering in 2024.


Have you tried to volunteer before? To move forward with success, it is essential to take some time and think about the past and previous goals. Reflect on the goals you had and identify three things.

  1. Boosts - What helped me accomplish the goals I achieved?
  2. Barriers - What kept me from the goals I didn’t achieve?
  3. Desires - What do I want moving forward?

These three questions will help you reflect on your progress from the year before and set or reframe new goals for the upcoming one. Identifying boosts, barriers, and desires can inform how you set and achieve your goals in volunteerism.


You might fall into two camps when it comes to goals and volunteering. The first camp needs to know where to start or what they want; the second needs to know the next steps. Researching will help you further define a plan and understand how to volunteer. An essential part of that preparation is people. There are three types of people you can watch out for on your journey.

  1. The Experts - Look for experts in the fields you are passionate about. How can you help? Where do the needs lie? There are many free resources online that can provide helpful tips and guidance. The latest news section on Volunteer Connector contains articles written by people with lots of volunteerism experience.
  2. The Encouragers - Find those around you who have volunteered, specifically in areas you are interested in. The key is trusted individuals who know you; you can allow them to speak into your life. Surround yourself with positive energy, and in turn, that energy can be funneled to achieving your goals.
  3. The Knockoffs and Nay-sayers - Beware the “social media gurus,” there are a lot of lies and half-truths out there; don’t fall for clout chasers. Most of the good done in the world happens off-camera. In the same vein, it might be time to cut out certain people from your life who only bring negative energy and attitude towards you and your goals.

We live in a world with much information at our fingertips, and sifting through it can be challenging. This is why Volunteer Connector exists: to ensure the opportunities you seek are only a click away. The more knowledge you gain, the more you can apply to your goals. Be encouraged that you aren’t alone; many people have been where you are and wanted the same things out of life.


If your goals are indeed S.M.A.R.T., it will be easier to map them out. Break down your goals into levels of importance and the amount of effort it will take, and write down steps you need to take to achieve them. Give yourself a boost by having some easy wins early to build on.

  1. Take Time - Schedule a day at the beginning of the year specifically dedicated to your goals and mapping them out, then create a series of check-ins throughout the year to gauge progress and reflect. Your check-ins can be a great place to evaluate if your volunteering goals were achievable and accurately time-based. When looking at volunteering, this is the most crucial step. Set yourself up for success by getting your research in early.
  2. Set reminders - Use one of the many apps on your phone or create physical reminders with sticky notes on the fridge. Reminders can make a huge difference early on before you develop the habits you’re looking for. If you are comfortable, engage your spouse or a trusted friend to keep you accountable.
  3. Celebrate - ‘Treat yourself’ might not be the best term, especially if it’s counterintuitive to a goal like losing weight or saving money. But I've said it a few times already: set smaller goals early to boost your confidence. As you continue through the year, find ways to celebrate big or small victories. When volunteering, consider stopping for your favorite frozen treat or pint of beer on your way home. This can be extremely helpful in habit building.

The more you invest in your goals, the more you will get out of them. The more time, effort, and planning you can put into how you want to volunteer, the more likely you will make it a regular part of your life. As an adult, I am far more organized than I was when I was young. Organization and strategic thinking were skills I had to develop, and now I have systems to keep my life and goals organized. There is hope for all of us.

Be Silent

To conclude this two-part article series, I wanted to share one of my favorite pieces of research— and you can do with it what you wish. Regardless of what they are, keeping your goals to yourself could be crucial to achieving them. New York University professor of psychology Peter M. Gollwitzer has extensively researched the self-regulation of goal pursuit. One thing that came out of his research is that when we share our goals with others and receive a positive reaction, we get the same positive reinforcement as if we accomplished them, and consequently, we are less likely to achieve those goals. Seek out encouragers in your life, but wait until you have set the goals and are in progress before sharing.

After reading this series, I hope you are motivated to take your first steps toward active volunteerism. So cheers to the new year and the new you!



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