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Thinking about volunteering on a board?

Published: May 29, 2024 @ 12:00 PM

‘Tis the season for board recruitment and public committee members! Although the defined season of AGM’s seems to have stayed as part of the before times it does feel that they are more frequent right now. In the land of AGM’s there is also looking for new humans to join the work of governance or operations, depending on the flavour of the board. 

There are lots of opportunities live on VolunteerConnector right now so if you are reading this and thinking about joining a board- do it! You are qualified and your life experience makes you a great asset to anyone trying to do great work in the community. Like most things there is a shoe for every foot…large organizations with a national scope who meet 4 times a year and converse about millions of dollars and strategic ideas and small organizations who meet monthly and do all the things from writing grants to planning events. 

Some quick tips: 

-decide how much time you have (boards usually have regular meetings and then there is usually work in between, most orgs ask for 4-6 hours a month)

-decide when you have time (lots of these meetings occur in the evening so depending on your life that might be a conflict) 

-decide what you care about?  are there causes that really connect with you (use the filters on VolunteerConnector to find the right fit) 

-reflect on what you want…are you looking to share a specific skill set like social media or knowledge of the law or accounting or are you looking to engage in work that you feel really connected to and are happy to just be involved! 

Good Luck! If you want to share your experience joining a board for the first time we would love to hear about it via our blog! Get in touch at