Latest News

Added Our Most Requested Feature

Published: Apr 20, 2023 @ 12:42 PM

Happy Volunteer Week! We’ve got some big news for you about the tools that you use for recruiting volunteers.

Have you ever wished that it was possible to have a posting automatically renew instead of disappearing from the VolunteerConnector? If so, you’re not alone — it’s regularly been one of our most requested features. Well, we are happy to announce that now you can set your posting to auto-renew, either when editing it, or from our completely re-designed postings page.

We had a huge list of improvements that we wanted to make to the postings page, so we used this opportunity to re-think it from the ground up. If you run a national organization with postings across the country —or a regional organization with multiple locations— you will love that you can now see the location and audience of each posting at a glance. No matter the size of your organization, you will love that you can now quickly get access to all of the key details about all of your active postings. This is a massive upgrade to the postings page, and we hope that you find it useful.

We've already started work on a revamped dashboard and features that will make reaching your volunteers and new volunteers in your community even more accessible!