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3 Things You Can Do to Keep Your Spirits Bright

Published: Dec 13, 2022 @ 2:38 PM

This time of year, can be all the feelings - joy, overwhelm, grief ... all at once and everything in-between. It can also be the time of year when the demands of 'giving' feel like they are at an all-time high. Our mail and local newspaper are full of asks and it is a lot. Here is a list of three things that you can do this holiday season that do not cost a thing and will warm your heart. 

1. Meet your neighbours 

  • We are a friendly bunch usually, but many Canadians do not actually know their neighbour; google puts this number between 30-50%. That is a big opportunity to expand your social sphere. These are people who we have friendly nodded at or quickly waved but here is your challenge to knock on the door and compliment some lights or offer a hot chocolate!

2. Go through your pantry 

  • This not an invitation to donate the things you do not like or are expired (In The News
  • This is very much an invitation to figure out where your local community free food cupboard or pantry is and replenish it with what you can. 

3. Think about how you will engage in community in 2023 

  • The opportunities are endless, from a formal role on a board that does the work you care about to being the person who steps up for your kid's sports team to creating space to show up in person at a protest to writing a letter to an elected official about the policy issues which are impacting you. Reflect on the time you have in the next year and be honest. If it is a hectic year maybe using your social media platform to amplify messages is your choice, maybe it is the year that you commit to monthly board meetings or maybe it is the year you are the organizer in the community and rally people to make change. 

We are all in this together!