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Ash, Toques & Menstrual Products

Published: Nov 10, 2021 @ 9:53 PM

Welcome to the segment we like to call 'cool volunteerism that made national news' (open to alternative suggestions). Here are three stories about humans taking action to fill a need in their community in different ways. We all possess the capacity to change our communities and there are tons of options with how to go about it. You can donate your skill set to an organization that already exists, you can join with other like minded people to form an organization or you can be a human who does the organizing and partner with additional people!

A woman in Kenora, Ontario who stepped up where the provincial government did not to make sure ALL students in Ontario had access to menstrual products. (CBC News Article)

A group made up of art, culture and heritage professionals created the British Columbia Heritage Response Network support cultural institutions in planning for disaster response and collections salvage. They showed up in a big way in Lytton, British Columbia. (Globe & Mail News Article)

A young person in Calgary using her amazing skills in knitting to make sure 105 people in the city have warmer heads this winter. (CBC News Article)

So thank you Tania Cameron, Allysa Narang and the team at British Columbia Heritage Response Network for the good you are doing in your community!