
1405 4 Street SW Calgary AB T2R 0Y2

For decades, people have been directed into either technical or creative streams, yet it is precisely at their intersection where ingenuity lives.

Solution: Beakerhead.

Beakerhead is honoured to be a platform for projects led by members of the community from all cultures.

Beakerhead supports learning by doing for people of all ages, year round, to create artistic projects that have science and engineering at their heart and, when completed, offer audiences a chance to see, touch, do and create. Here at the crossroads of art, science and engineering, adults are engaged and kids are changed.
Beakerhead actively reaches out to ensure everyone feels included all ages, genders and ethnicities. Beakerhead recognizes and supports both the creative and rational abilities in every individual. We believe in the power of groups to set aside egos and work with courage and creativity to try new things that’s how Beakerhead prepares students and society to tackle the challenges of the 21st century. With warmth and energy, Beakerhead provides a place to explore one’s full potential as a human being integrating both rational and creative strengths.

A Spectacle of Art, Science, Engineering. Open to All.