The Arts & Culture Council of Strathcona County

We are the leaders and collaborative flag bearers of the message that “Culture is the heart and soul of Canada's most livable community.”
We move forward with conviction, with passion and in a carefully considered manner to turn our vision into a reality. We are driven by the belief that without culture we are not a livable community, but merely a place to live.
We are motivators, advocates, teachers, guides, collaborators, a catalyst and hub for all things cultural in our community and we engage with like-minded individuals and organizations to enable us to better achieve our vision.
We promote, influence and inform our community to change the way they think, act and feel about all aspects of arts, culture and heritage thereby enriching the quality of life for our community.
We research, identify and engage with all individuals and groups in the cultural community to form aligned relationships and to inform and inspire them so they in turn, may inform and inspire others.
We see and embrace a future propelled and defined by a new energy and of shifting mindsets. We use our collaborative energy and resources to fuel that change.
We are relevant in all we do - and importantly, we are perceived or seen to be relevant by stakeholders and our communities.
We promote and foster the understanding of culture as being an influential economic driver.
We advocate for, and strive to achieve, the presence of a Community Campus. An inclusive and accessible Campus, one in which cultural disciplines of all natures can be learned, skills honed, practiced, displayed, and heritage celebrated. A Cultural Campus that becomes the physical heart of Culture in the County.