Common Ground Community Café

150, 161 Festival Way Sherwood Park AB T8A 4X2

We are a volunteer-powered community cafe where people can connect and share what is important to them.

Common Ground is in a category of business called ‘social enterprise’ or ‘for-benefit’. . . businesses that have a primary goal of making their community a better place to live. We have two over-arching principles: be an effective business and be a gift to the community.

Our barista staff are volunteers. We believe when people help build a community they become more connected. In addition to our barista staff, we also have other opportunities to pitch in with baking, cleaning, or hospitality.

We believe we’re part of a global community, so we serve coffee that is ethically sourced, in this case direct-trade coffee from Intelligentsia.

We’d love to enlist your help. If you have other ideas with how you can build into our community, we're always excited to chat.