Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas Inc.

210 Appleby Court Saskatoon SK S7M 4B2

Preserve two unique afforestation areas in Saskatoon, the 326 acre Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area and the 148 George Genereux Urban Regional Park, and use them as a learning site to educate residents in Saskatoon about environmental and climate issues. This includes the environmental benefits of afforestation areas such as carbon sequestration and other ecosystem services as well as social, recreational and cultural benefits.

We imagine a safe, healthy naturalized afforestation ecosystem with the greater Saskatoon area committed to caring for and valuing the rich vibrant heritage and biodiversity for the long-term benefit of the general public.

Building upon a strong foundation of people, partnerships and projects, the Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas empowers users, stewards and stakeholders of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas to responsibly and sustainably care for this semi-wilderness habitat, the interconnected biodiversity, the cultural heritage for present and future generations.

Restoration, Preservation, Citizen Science bio-blitzes on iNaturalist, Education and Awareness, Promotion of heritage value.