Foundations Learning & Skills Saskatchewan

2-706 Duchess St Saskatoon SK S7K 0R3

Foundations Learning & Skills Saskatchewan (formerly READ Saskatoon) has a long history as a local literacy organization that offers free literacy services to individuals, families, workplaces, and community since 1979.

Foundations Learning & Skills Saskatchewan’s Vision:
All Saskatchewan communities and individuals have equitable access to quality learning opportunities so everyone can fully participate and thrive.

Foundations Learning & Skills Saskatchewan’s Mission:
Foundations provides foundational literacy, learning, and skills development for adults, children, and families through the work of staff, trained volunteers, and community partners.

Foundations is relentless in bringing their vision and mission to life because:
• Everyone has the right to learn, regardless of age.
• Strong literacy skills are not attained by chance.
• Communities have a right to responsive and effective literacy programs.
• Lifelong learning habits contribute to strong and resilient communities.
• Our own cultural perspectives are limited and therefore we will not make assumptions about the experiences and cultural expressions of others.

At the heart of our work, we recognize that literacy is about relationship: relationship between volunteer and learner/student, relationship between student and the agency, relationship between student and their world, and relationship between the agency and the larger community.
Literacy affects opportunities. Strong literacy skills provide people with tools that empower them to: have more confidence, more fully participate in the community, build better lives for themselves and their families, improve health outcomes, and attain better jobs and enhanced educational opportunities.