Merivale Student Association- Merivale Fundhub

207 Ridgepark Private OTTAWA ON K2G 1H1

The pandemic brings to the surface clearer than ever most charming stories from around the world. The stories of medical workers truly touch my heart, about how hard they have tried to fight for patients' lives, pulling them from the string between death and life. They dedicate hours standing and running for their patients' needs.

Merivale Fundhub, my friends who share the same ambition to give out help and me, is significantly inspired. We are actively trying to create solutions and solve the problems that our community is facing. Our current project is fundraising approximately $5,000 and delivering it to the Ottawa local medical community.

But our efforts won't reach their maximum effectiveness unless we have the backing of the entire community.

We're looking to host events locally and reach out to more sponsorships as well as partnerships. To make it happen, it is excellent to have you be on my team. We are looking forward to someone having experience in certain departments.

Grateful to meet you in the future. Together, we make a great cause. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, my team's heart.