Activities involved
Letter Writing Writing
  • Work remotely
  • Flexible in schedule
  • Good for families
  • Good for groups
  • Good for youth
  • Accessible by public transit

Volunteer as Secretary

We are seeking for an interested and dedicated person to volunteer with us a secretary during the Murphy Charitable Foundation Uganda’s trustees meetings, here’s what you need to know:

As a volunteer secretary, your primary responsibility will be to assist during the foundation’s monthly trustees meetings. You’ll take minutes, record discussions, and maintain accurate records of decisions made during these meetings. Your role is crucial for ensuring transparency, accountability, and effective communication within the organisation.
Qualifications for this role include strong organisational skills, proficiency in note-taking and summarising discussions, attention to detail, and familiarity with basic office software (such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs).
Why should you volunteer for this opportunity?
The time commitment involves attending the monthly trustees meetings and dedicating time afterward to compile accurate minutes. In return, you’ll gain experience in administrative tasks, contribute to a worthy cause, and have the opportunity to network with other volunteers and trustees.
Activities involved
Letter Writing Writing
  • Remote or online
  • Flexible in schedule
  • Good for families
  • Good for groups
  • Good for youth
  • Accessible by public transit