Legacy Place Society

3 Chapman Way SE Calgary AB T2X 3R1

Legacy Place Society, a registered non-profit charitable organization, was established in 1997 by a dedicated group of Calgary and Edmonton Police Officers. Over the years, it has evolved into a resilient pillar of support with a mandate to alleviate the distinctive challenges faced by first responders and military personnel. Recognizing the profound impact of their experiences on both individuals and their families, Legacy Place Society operates with a mission to cultivate resilience within these communities.

The organization offers a range of services, including a confidential distress helpline, emergency housing, and educational partnerships focused on suicide awareness, intervention, mental well-being, and resiliency. This comprehensive approach positions Legacy Place Society as a vital support system for those navigating the unique challenges of the first responder and military environments.

The target audience for Legacy Place Society is inherently predisposed to responding to highly traumatic situations, encompassing scenarios such as high-conflict situations, sexual assault/violence, child predators, trafficking, murders, and senior abuse. Additionally, members of the First Responders, Military, and Veterans community routinely face incidents involving attempted and completed suicides. The distressing reality emerges when a peer succumbs to suicide, eliciting a profound sense of responsibility, inadequacy, and failure among their colleagues, who are professionally expected to protect and serve. This burden is further exacerbated when individuals within this community grapple with suicidal thoughts themselves.

Legacy Place Society actively works to break the ongoing stigma associated with mental health by validating the individuals accessing the phone line. The organization is committed to educating people, fostering an environment where individuals can openly discuss mental health, and empowering them to live healthier lives. Despite increased awareness, resources, and attention directed towards employee mental health, there remains uncertainty regarding the competence of support agencies to comprehend the unique perspectives of first responders. Ensuring complete confidentiality and avoiding re-traumatization when addressing their concerns is of paramount importance. Legacy Place boasts a robust track record of trust and a proven ability to guide callers with empathy and effectiveness towards additional assistance, providing a valuable resource for those within this specialized and challenging field.

“Providing empathetic support that builds resiliency individually and within our First Responder and Military Families.”

The organization's mission is to provide confidential and empathetic support, fostering resilience on an individual level and within the broader First Responder and Military community. Grounded in a commitment to understanding the unique challenges faced by these communities, Legacy Place Society emphasizes the importance of empathy in creating a supportive environment. By focusing on building resilience, the organization aims not only to address immediate challenges but also to empower individuals and families to navigate future adversities with strength and fortitude.

Grounded in a set of core values—Family, Empathy, Diversity, Confidentiality, Inclusivity, Collaboration, and Integrity—Legacy Place Society operates as a bridge of possibilities. This involves strategic collaboration with services and charities specific to each individual service, avoiding duplication of existing programs. The organization's philosophy centers around providing evidence-based, tailored support that respects the diverse backgrounds and experiences within the first responder and military communities.

That all First Responder and Military Personnel have user friendly access to resources to build resiliency and reduce the stigma of mental health concerns as an individual and/or as a family.

Legacy Place Society's primary goal is to fortify individuals and their families within these communities, enabling them to navigate the inherent challenges of their professions. This involves addressing the emotional and physical strain, vicarious trauma, operational stress injuries, and various stressors affecting both individuals and their families. The organization strives to create a supportive and inclusive environment that acknowledges the well-being of both individuals and their families, ensuring stability amid the demanding nature of their daily work.