Imagine Citizens Network (ICN)

4000, 421 7th Avenue SW Calgary AB T2P 4K9

IMAGINE Citizens was launched in 2015 as a result of a forum that focused on creating a health care system that puts people first. We believe all Albertans have the right to have meaningful opportunities to shape a better health system.
Our Vision
A health system intentionally designed in partnership between citizens and other stakeholders to achieve the best possible experiences and outcomes for all Albertans.
Our Mission
To enable and mobilize citizens’ ability to influence, and become valued partners in improving health care experiences and outcomes for all.

The IMAGINE Citizens community continues to grow daily and is built of Albertans from all walks of life from all parts of the province.

Come and be a part of our team as we work towards achieving a health care system is intentionally designed in partnership between citizens and other stakeholders to achieve the best possible experiences and outcomes for all Albertans.