The Kidney Foundation, BC & Yukon Branch

200-4940 Canada Way Burnaby BC V5G 4K6

The core of the Kidney Foundation is to support patients and fund research. Volunteers are active members in the Kidney Community by putting on events to fundraise for research and provide programs/services for Kidney Patients and their families. They also volunteer as board members, committee members, peer support, advocates and a wide range of other unique opportunities.

Why we need your volunteer support:

1 in 10 Canadians have Kidney Disease - that is 4 million Canadians and the numbers are rising. There is no cure and kidneys are a vital organ that are required for survival and quality of life. Most Canadians don't know that they could lose up to 70% of their kidney function without any symptoms. The impact of Kidney disease doesn't just affect your health, but is a significant financial burden through loss of income and out of pocket costs for treatment.

We need to make life better for Canadians living with Kidney Disease. We need to fund research into Kidney Disease to find better treatment options, prevent the development of Kidney Disease and to find a cure. We need to increase community awareness about the disease to encourage better health choices and increase the likelihood of early diagnosis leading to better health outcomes.

Our Mission:
The Kidney Foundation of Canada is committed to eliminating the burden of kidney disease through:
* Funding and stimulating innovative research for better prevention, treatments and a cure;
* Providing education and support to prevent kidney disease in those at risk and empower those with kidney disease to optimize their health status;
* Advocating for improved access to high quality health care;
Increasing public awareness and commitment to advancing kidney health and organ donation.

The Kidney Foundation provides programs/services to support kidney patients and their caregivers through peer mentorship programs, the Kidney Wellness Hub, Summer Camps for children with Kidney Disease, financial support programs for kidney patients and living organ donors. The foundation also focuses on community education to increase awareness of kidney disease to increase early diagnosis, promote healthy lifestyles, and prevent kidney disease and to encourage living organ donation. The Kidney Foundation is also the largest, non-government funder of Kidney Research in Canada.

Help us do more.