Activities involved
  • Interview
  • Police Check
  • References
  • Vulnerable Sector Search
Also required for this position: Orientation to the organization and review of the handbook and policies that drive the volunteer program.
  • Good for youth
  • Accessible by public transit

Rehab Superstar

9649 - 71 Ave., Edmonton, AB, T6E 5J2 [map]
this weekly volunteer role would allow volunteer to experience the rehab (Occupational and Physiotherapy) programming at the Zetter Care Center. Gym portering, functional exercise, mind and Body exercises, Woga are all areas the volunteer could engage in, occurring at various time slots  mornings or afternoons.0930- noon or 1:15 - 2:30.
Additional Details & Skills Required
wheelchair handling, information on dementia shared
Why should you volunteer for this opportunity?
A sense of teamwork, and accomplishment as volunteers learn about the physical and cognitive parameters of the elderly and frail elderly.
Activities involved
  • Interview
  • Police Check
  • References
  • Vulnerable Sector Search
Also required for this position: Orientation to the organization and review of the handbook and policies that drive the volunteer program.
  • Good for youth
  • Accessible by public transit